Friday, December 21, 2012

In the beginning...

I'm sure there are a lot of Doomsday Crusaders who are feeling a bit overwhelmed right now by their mountains of canned tuna and Evian bottled water. I guess that is what happens when you plan your life around a singular day or event only to find out it was all a hoax. I've definitely been guilty of this. For 26 years, I lived for my next big life event, always promising myself that the next chapter of my life would bring me the happiness for which I longed. When that day would arrive I would find myself yet again disappointed and vowing that the next time, things would be different.  

Today I am learning to live in the present. I know that I have all the tools I need to succeed in life. I don't need anymore "readings" or any faux support or advice. My soul is guiding me and I hear the message loud in clear. On a daily basis my soul confirms for me that I was ALWAYS meant to be a leader and never a follower. I feel more at peace than ever before. I feel empowered having released old practices, people and beliefs that no longer serve me. For many, today was suppose to be a day of death and finality. For me however, today is the dawn of a new era. I'm ready to tackle life head on and to face what challenges may come. Glory be to God for delivering me!